Explore our dynamic church ministries designed for spiritual growth, community connection, and meaningful service.

Real Joy Kids
The RJCF Joy Zone is packed week after week, with fun and excitement for children K-4th Grade. Some would consider the Joy Zone to be much like “Children’s Church.” Each week the Real Joy Kids are released to the Joy Zone after congregation worship and just prior to Pastor Tony’s message. While in the Joy Zone our Kids engage in exciting Worship Music… they are taught a Bible Lesson… make a Craft, and then finally served a Snack. The Joy Zone is an AWESOME place
for our Real Joy Kids… an energy packed opportunity for them to learn about God and His love!!

Real Joy Youth
The heartbeat of our youth ministry is to impact our students in a way that they become life long disciples and have an impact wherever life takes them. We are currently meeting together for Bible study every Sunday morning at 9:30 am and Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. Whether it’s through Bible study, game night, or just hanging out, our mission is to build lasting relationships and equip our young people to be disciples of Jesus!

Womens Ministry
Real Joy Women’s Ministry would love for you to join us as we seek the heart of Jesus, spend time in prayer, and build relationships. Our ladies’ prayer gathering is every Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30 pm. at the church. The heart of our ministry is to encourage ladies to seek a closeness with our Lord Jesus. My prayer is as we grow together in unity, we will begin to realize the depth of love that God wants to place into our lives. Together, seeking the Heart of Jesus, will give us the desire to share the Good News in service and compassion within our community.

Mens Ministry
Our men’s ministry provides ample opportunities for men to get plugged into Real Joy Community Fellowship. Work days, prayer breakfasts, devotionals, and studies are a regular part of our men’s ministries.

Praise Team
Praise and Worship is a vital part of Real Joy. Our Praise Team offers a blend of contemporary and traditional praise songs.

Sign Art Team
We are very proud of the young ladies that make up our sign art team! The sign art team has quickly become an endearing part of our worship.

Young Adult Ministry
We believe that doing life together is important at every age. Our group of young adults have great bible study, discussion, and fun times of fellowship.

F.A.I.T.H. Riders
F.A.I.T.H. Riders is a Motorcycle Ministry (Not a club or riding club) We are God minded people that use the motorcycle as a tool to go out and tell people about Jesus Christ. The best part is you do not have to own or even ride a motorcycle to be a part of this Ministry. You just have to have love in your heart and believe in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and serve our Lord by telling people about Jesus Christ and share the Word.

Senior Adult Ministry
Real Joy has an active Senior Adult Ministry with a full schedule of fellowship activities.